Aws Toolkit Visual Studio For Mac

The Visual Studio for Mac editor supports powerful built-in refactoring options such as Extract Method and Rename, accessible via the Quick Actions menu. Integrated Source Control Manage your code in Git or SVN repos hosted by any provider, including GitHub and Azure DevOps. 17:37:02 - Description: The AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio is an extension for Microsoft Visual Studio on Windows that makes it easier for developers to develop, debug, and deploy.NET applications using Amazon Web Services. With the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio, you'll be able to get started faster. .NET Immersion Day Pre-Requisites Using the AWS Toolkit Setup AWS Toolkit profile Visual Studio: AWS Toolkit profile setup Visual Studio: AWS Toolkit profile setup In this section, we will be adding account credentials to your toolkit to allow you to interact with AWS services from within Visual Studio. A new release of the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio has been published to Visual Studio marketplace.This new release adds support for Visual Studio 2019. Visual Studio 2019 is currently in preview, however, Microsoft has announced the general availability (GA) release date to be April 2, 2019.

SPL-105 - Version 1.4.1

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In this lab you'll gain a basic understanding of configuring and using the AWS Toolkit for .NET. This lab includes the process of installing and configuring Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition. The installation and configuration of Visual Studio Community Edition and the AWS Toolkit for .NET is part of the learning process and is included in the lab to provide reinforcement. Finally, you will learn how to run a simple console application in C# using the AWS SDK for .NET.

Topics covered

By the end of this lab you will be able to:

  • Connect to an Amazon EC2 instance running Windows Server
  • Install AWS Toolkit for .NET
  • Configure Visual Studio for AWS
  • Create an AWS project in Visual Studio
  • Build a Windows console application to create two Amazon S3 buckets and upload files to them, then delete bucket 1 without force parameter and bucket 2 with force


To successfully complete this lab, you should be familiar with Visual Studio for C# and have a basic knowledge of AWS.

Mac Users: Download Remote Desktop client software

If you are running Windows on your local machine, you can use Remote Desktop Connection to access your Amazon EC2 instance.

Aws visual studio sdk

If you are on a Mac, you will require Microsoft Remote Desktop (with the red icon):

Mac users can download Microsoft Remote Desktop from the Mac App Store.

If you do not have access to the Mac App Store, you can use CoRD for Mac, but please note that the instructions for this lab assume you are using Microsoft Remote Desktop.

Aws Toolkit Visual Studio For Mac Os

Aws toolkit for vs code

Aws Toolkit For Visual Studio Code Mac

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