This version of the Rebel Pack, 0.4.0, works with Bifrost 2.2 and later versions. It includes some noise field compounds including pyroclastic noise, some Scatter Pack utilities such as distance to instances and scatter points in gaps, and some bug fixes and performance improvements. Autodesk Softimage 2013 64bit Crack Free Download. Autodesk Softimage 2013 64bit Crack Free Download DOWNLOAD autodesk softimageautodesk softimage xsiautodesk softimage 2017autodesk softimage priceautodesk softimage mod toolautodesk softimage 2012autodesk softimage crackautodesk softimage 2012 serial numberautodesk softimage 2015 product keyautodesk softimage 2014 0fea0b1dc0 Download. Autodesk Softimage. Autodesk Softimage software is a high-performance 3D character animation and visual effects application. Softimage enables artists to use intuitive, nondestructive workflows to create stunning character animation and effects. Now you can more quickly and easily create detailed simulated effects.
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The following have been added to the Softimage 2013 SDK.
New Commands
- AddPortToICENode2 - Adds a new port at the specified location and returns an XSICollection of new port objects.
- HideAllPortValues - Hides all port values in specific container node(s).
- SetCheckerboardMode - Sets the Checkerboard mode of a particular Texture Editor view.
- TransferAllPropertiesAcrossGenOp - Added new IncludeAllClusters parameter to specify that clusters with no properties are included in the transfer
New Methods (C++)
CICEAttributeDataArray<T>::operator [] - Accessor to the encapsulated array. This operator is used for writing to the data array.
CICEAttributeDataArray<bool>::SetData - Accessor to the bool array for writing to the data array.
CICEAttributeDataArray2D::ResizeSubArray - Changes the size of the sub-array at a given index and returns a new array pointing to the resized sub-array.
Geometry::AddICEAttribute - Adds a new ICEAttribute object to this geometry and returns this object.
Geometry::RemoveICEAttribute - Removes an attribute from this geometry.
CMatrix3f::Get - Gets a pointer to the const version of the internal matrix.
CMatrix4f::Get - Gets a pointer to the const version of the internal matrix.
ProjectItem::AddICEAttribute - Adds a new ICEAttribute object to this ProjectItem and returns this object.
ProjectItem::RemoveICEAttribute - Removes an attribute from this ProjectItem.
CString::TrimLeft - Removes a character or a group of characters from the beginning of this string.
CString::TrimRight - Removes a character or a group of characters at the end of this string.
- Camera::GetFrustum - Gets the camera frustum values of the near plane.
- ViewContext::GetMetadata - Returns the user data stored in the Context.
- ViewContext::GetView - Returns the View object associated with the Context.
- Application::GetCustomPropertyCount - Returns the Custom Property count for a given type.
- ShaderParamDef::SetReadOnly - Sets the ReadOnly capability of the Shader parameter.
New Methods (Object Model)
ICEAttribute.DataArray - Sets a 1D Array object containing the data defined by an attribute.
ICEAttribute.DataArray2D - Sets a 2D Array object containing the 2D data defined by an attribute.
XSICollection.Filter - Returns a subset of this collection as a new collection of objects matching the filter criteria.
Clip.AddProperty2 - Creates and adds a UserDataBlob or CustomProperty to a Clip object. This method is specific to the python language.
Geometry.AddICEAttribute - Adds and returns a new attribute data on a geometry.
Geometry.RemoveICEAttribute - Removes a non-built-in attribute from a geometry if not required by an ICETree.
Layout.CreateViewFromDefinitionFile2 - Creates a new View object given the path to its definition on disk. This method is similar to Layout.CreateViewFromDefinitionFile but specific to the python language.
Layout.FindView2 - Finds an existing View object given a name in this layout. This method is similar to Layout.FindView but specific to the python language.
Menu.AddItem2 - Adds a menu item at to end of the menu. This method is similar to Menu.AddItem but specific to the python language.
Menu.AddCommandItem2 - Adds a menu item at the end of the menu and attaches a command. This method is similar to Menu.AddCommandItem but specific to the python language.
Menu.AddCallbackItem2 - Adds a menu item to the end of the menu and attaches a callback function. This method is similar to Menu.AddCallbackItem but specific to the python language.
ICENode.GetPortFromName2 - Returns the ICENodePort object that matches a specific port name. This method is similar to ICENode.GetPortFromName but specific to the python language.
ICENode.GetPortFromIndex2 - Returns the ICENodePort object specified by a port index, group index and group instance index. This method is similar to ICENode.GetPortFromIndex but specific to the python language.
Operator.GetPortAt - Returns the specified Port object. This method is similar to Operator.PortAt but specific to the python language.
Operator.GetPort3 - Returns the specified Port object for the operator. This method is similar to Operator.GetPort2 but specific to the python language.
Override.AddParameterEntry2 - Adds a new entry to override the input parameter and returns the new overriding parameter. This method is similar to Override.AddParameterEntry but specific to the python language.
Primitive.GetGeometry3 - Returns a Geometry object containing the object's geometry. This method is similar to Primitive.GetGeometry2 but specific to the python language.
ProjectItem.AddICEAttribute - Adds and returns a new attribute data on this object.
ProjectItem.RemoveICEAttribute - Removes a non-built-in attribute from a geometry if not required by an ICETree.
SceneItem.GetPropertyFromName2 - Returns a property, given its scripting name. This method is similar to SceneItem.GetPropertyFromName but specific to the python language.
SceneItem.GetLocalPropertyFromName2 - Returns a local property, given its scripting name. This method is similar to SceneItem.GetLocalPropertyFromName but specific to the python language.
ShaderArrayParamDef.ItemDef2 - Returns the underlying ShaderParamDef or ShaderStructParamDef object for this array item. This method is similar to ShaderArrayParamDef.ItemDef but specific to the Python language.
ShaderArrayParameter.Item2 - Returns the specified ShaderParameter item in this array. This method is similar to ShaderArrayParameter.Item but specific to the Python language.
ShaderParamDefContainer.AddParamDef2 - This method is similar to ShaderParamDefContainer.AddParamDef but specific to the Python language.
ShaderParamDefContainer.GetParamDefByName2 - Returns the ShaderParamDef that matches the specified name from this container. This method is similar to ShaderParamDefContainer.GetParamDefByName but specific to the Python language.
ShaderParameter.Definition2 - Returns the shader parameter definition as a ShaderParamDef object. This method is similar to ShaderParameter.Definition but specific to the Python language.
View.FindView2 - Finds an existing View object given a name. This method is similar to View.FindView but specific to the Python language.
X3DObject.GetActivePrimitive3 - Returns the 3D object's active Primitive for a given frame. This method is similar to X3DObject.GetActivePrimitive2 but specific to the Python language.
XSIApplication.ActiveProject3 - Returns or sets the active XSIProject object. This method is similar to XSIApplication.ActiveProject2 but specific to the Python language.
XSIApplication.GetObjectFromID2 - Returns the object matching the specified ID. This method is similar to XSIApplication.GetObjectFromID but specific to the python language.
XSIFactory.CreateObjectFromPreset2 - Creates an object from a preset and optional preset family name. This method is similar to XSIFactory.CreateObjectFromPreset but specific to the Python language.
- ShaderParamDefOptions.SetReadOnly - Sets the Read Only capability of the Shader parameter.
- XSIApplication.GetCustomPropertyCount - Returns the Custom Property count for a given type.
New Enumerations
siHLEOperationAbsoluteOffset, siHLEOperationRelativeOffset, siHLEOperationAbsoluteScaling - Constants that define the high-level editing (HLE) operation used in the FCurve Editor, when the HLE tool is enabled.
siRenderRegionRefreshMode - This indicates the render region refresh mode to use for render regions.
New Events
- siOnBeginScrubbing - Fired before setting a parameter value(s) with a PPG slider control.
- siOnEndScrubbing - Fired after a parameter value(s) have been changed with a slider control.
- siOnPreParseShaderDef - Fired after a shader definition is pre parsed.
- siOnPreDefineShaderDef - Fired after a shader definition is pre defined.
New Anchorpoints
View Attributes
- MaterialManagerAttributes
- selection - Returns a comma-delimited string containing the full name(s) of the selected materials currently displayed in the Material Manager
- WeightEditorAttributes
- invaliddeformers - Returns an XSICollection containing the invalid X3DObject deformer object(s) currently displayed in the Weight Editor.
- selecteddeformers - Returns an XSICollection containing the selected X3DObject deformer object(s) currently displayed in the Weight Editor.
- verticesnotfullyassigned - Returns a one-dimension SAFEARRAY containing the string expression of point components which are not full assigned weight.
- verticesexceedingdeformerlimit - Returns one-dimension SAFEARRAY containing the string expression of point components which are exceeding the deformer limit.
- painttoolactivated - Determine whether or not the paint tool is activated in Weight Paint Panel.
- FCurveEditorAttributes / AnimationEditorAttributes
ripple - Determines whether or not existing keys are pushed ahead on the timeline when you parse keys on an fcurve or when you scale a region of keys
selectedcurves - Returns or sets the selected FCurve objects as a comma-delimited string containing the full name of the FCurve's parent
frameall - Frames all displayed fcurves
frameselection - Frames selection
frameplaybackrange - Frames all the fcurves within the time span specified by the timeline
frameselectedkeys - Frames selected keys
frameselectedcurves - Frames selected fcurves
frameregion - Frames a region
centercurrenttime - Centers the fcurve graph around the timeline cursor's position
autoframe - Determines whether or not animation editor will frame all fcurves automatically
interactiveupdate - Determines whether or not to see the effect of the changes in viewports as you edit the fcurves.
showbuffercurves - Determines whether or not to display a temporary copy of the original function curve that has been saved into a buffer.
displaynormalized - Determines whether or not to display the normalized fcurves.
classicmode - Switches between Suite and Classic Mode
hle - Determines whether or not to enable the high-level editing (HLE) tool.
hlecompensation - Determines whether or not to enable the high-level editing (HLE) compensation mode
hleoperation - Determines which high-level editing (HLE) operation the HLE tool uses
displayoptions - Determines which fcurves are displayed in the graph by default
isolatecurve - Determines whether or not to isolate the selected fcurves so that only they appear in the graph
clearallcurves - Hides all fcurves associated with the selected object without collapsing the animation explorer
hidecurve - Hides the selected fcurves
unhideallcurves - Displays all hidden fcurves
keysonunselectedcurves - Determines whether or not to display keys on all unselected curves
slopesonunselectedkeys - Determines whether or not to display the slope handles of all unselected keys on a selected curve
showlabels - Determines whether or not to display labels on all selected curves
keyscoordinates - Determines whether or not to display the X and Y coordinate values for each selected key
grid - Determines whether or not to display the X and Y axis grid lines
rulers - Determines whether or not to display the rulers on the horizontal X(time) and vertical Y(value) axes
timecursorvisible - Determines whether or not to display the red playback cursor in the fcurve graph
timecursorselectable - Determines whether or not the red playback cursor is selectable in the fcurve graph
metacurveregion - Determines whether or not to display a bar below the graph showing an overview representation of all the keys of the selected fcurves
localtime - Determines whether or not to display the corresponding time of the animation between the action in the animation mixer and the fcurve editor
framerange - Returns or sets the frame range in frame values
timerange - Returns or sets the frame range in time values
valuerange - Returns or sets the minimum/maximum values (Y axis) range
displayedcurves - Returns or sets the displayed FCurve objects as a comma delimited string containing the full name of the FCurve's parent
selectedkeysatframes - Returns or sets the selected keys of FCurve objects as a string
selectedkeysattimes - Returns or sets the selected keys of FCurve objects as a string
savebuffer - Saves the buffer copy of the edited curve, when buffer curves option is active
swapbuffer - Swaps between the edited curve and its buffer copy, when buffer curves option is active
- DopeSheetAttributes
pasteoperation - The behavior when copied keys are paste into the current DopeSheet
frameall - Frames all the keys in the DopeSheet
frameselection - Frames the selected keys in the DopeSheet
frameplaybackrange - Frames the playback range in the DopeSheet
displayoptions - Determines which tracks are displayed in the DopeSheet
aligntrackswithtreeview - Determines whether the DopeSheet tracks align with its corresponding node in the tree view on the left
displayscenesummarytrack - Determines whether the scene summary track is displayed
displaydopesheetsummarytrack - Determines whether the DopeSheet summary track is displayed
phonemekeydisplay - Determines whether the phoneme keys display mode is active
phonemeshowinbetweens - Determines whether the shape key names between the shape keys are displayed in phoneme key display mode
phonemekeythreshold -Determines the weight threshold used by the phoneme key display mode
ripple - Determines whether ripple is enabled
- AnimationMixerAttributes
- targetcontent - The name of the object for which to display in the Animation Mixer
- CustomDisplayHostAttributes
- metadata - The string-based data associated with the Custom Display Host View
- ObjectViewAttributes
holdselection - Controls whether to show the last selection when nothing is selected in Object View
- TextureEditorAttributes
checkerboard - Enables/Disables the checkerboard mode
frameselection - Frames the selected components in the Texture Editor view
frameall - Frames all the vertices in the Texture Editor view
frameimage - Frames the image in the Texture Editor view
showselected - Show the selected components in the Texture Editor view
hideselected - Hide the selected components in the Texture Editor view
showall - Show all the components in the Texture Editor view
maxdisplayresolution - Sets/Gets the maximum display resolution of the image in the Texture Editor view
interpolateimage - Enables/Disables the interpolation of the image
dimimage - Enables/Disables the dimming of the image
overlaps - Enables/Disables the highlighting of overlaps in the Texture Editor view
oddoverlaps - Enables/Disables the highlighting of odd overlaps in the Texture Editor view
coverage - Enables/Disables the display of the coverage in the Texture Editor view
connectivity - Enables/Disables the display of the connectivity in the Texture Editor view.
statusbar - Enables/Disables the display of the statusbar in the Texture Editor view
clip - Sets/Gets the image clip in the Texture Editor view
projection - Sets/Gets the UV projection in the Texture Editor view
lock - Controls the lock selection state button in the toolbar
- WeightPaintPanelAttributes
- solo - Determine whether or not to display the weight map for only the current deformer in Weight Paint Panel
The methods for starting Softimage on Windows and Linux operating systems are described in this section.
Starting Softimage on Windows
There are several ways to start on a Windows system:
Using the Start menu (see below).
Using the command line (see Starting from the Windows Command Line).
From a shortcut you create on your desktop or by double-clicking on the Windows batch file called xsi.bat. By default, the batch file is located in the C:Program FilesAutodeskSoftimage 2014Applicationbin folder.
Starting with the Windows Start Menu
If you installed in the default configuration, you can start from the Windows Start menu in the lower-left corner of the Windows desktop. To do this:
Choose Start Programs Autodesk Autodesk Softimage 2014 Autodesk Softimage 2014.
Starting from the Windows Command Line
Starting from the Windows command line lets you specify various startup options, such as the project you want to load.
Open a command-prompt window. If your Start menu is in its default configuration, you can choose Start Programs Autodesk Autodesk Softimage 2014 Command Prompt
To start without any options, type:
XSITo start and load a specific project list or scene file, type the startup option on the same line after the above command. For example, to start with a specific scene, type:
XSI <scene_file_name.scn>
Once Softimage has started, you can exit the command prompt window at any time.
Softimage Free
NoteFor a list of command-line options you can use when starting Softimage, type xsi -h.
If you use a standard command prompt instead of the one in the Softimage menu, type the following to start Softimage:
xsi.batThis is a batch file that sets the necessary environment variables before starting Softimage. These environment variables are already set in the Softimage command prompt.
Creating a Shortcut for Starting on Windows
To create a shortcut to Softimage on the desktop
From the Windows Explorer, go to the directory where the Softimage batch file (XSI.bat) resides. By default, this should be in C:Program FilesAutodeskSoftimage 2014Applicationbin.
Right-click the xsi.bat file and choose Create Shortcut.
A shortcut to the batch file is created.
Drag the shortcut icon to your desktop.
Start Softimage by double-clicking the shortcut icon.
To change the name of the shortcut, click the icon's name once and then type a new name.
To modify a shortcut by specifying startup options
Right-click the shortcut icon and choose Properties from the pop-up menu.
On the Shortcut tab of the Shortcuts dialog box, add any desired options to the command line in the Target text box. Make sure the entire command, including the options, are enclosed inside quotation marks.
For more information about the desktop, shortcuts, the Windows Explorer, and folder windows, please see your Windows operating system documentation.
Starting Softimage on Linux
Softimage Xsi Download
xsi (lower case letters) is a script that sources .xsi_2013 (the environment script) and then executes the XSI (upper case letters) software.
You can choose to source the environment script first when you open a shell and then run XSI or you can change directories to <Softimage installation path>/Application/bin/ and run xsi (the script) directly.
Autodesk Softimage 2014 Download
To start Softimage from a shell
Open a terminal.
From your user account, type source ~/.xsi_2013
Type XSI at the prompt. The welcome screen appears.
Open a terminal.
Change directories to:
<Softimage installation path>/Application/bin/.
Type xsi (lower case letters). The welcome screen appears.
Autodesk Softimage 2015 Download
To create a shortcut for starting Softimage
Autodesk 2013 Free Download
There are a number of window managers that you can choose to install on Linux, and therefore, there is no one particular way to create an icon on your desktop or add a menu item to start Softimage. Refer to your window manager's documentation for more information.
If you create a shortcut on the desktop or in the menu bar/task bar, make sure it runs the xsi script directly, which will automatically source the environment script before running Softimage.